13 May 2008

Oz Olympic Team

Triathlon Australia has recently announced the six athletes who have been chosen as part of the Nomination Team for Triathlon for Australia for the 2008 Olympic Games.

WOMEN - Emma Snowsill, Emma Moffatt and Erin Densham (Reserves - Felicity Abram and Annabel Luxford)

MEN - Brad Kahlefeldt, Courtney Atkinson and Greg Bennett (subject to meeting ITU requirements)

As outlined in TA’s Olympic nomination criteria, the Nomination Team will not be presented to the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) for consideration for selection until the beginning of July. The nomination team have continuing obligations of ongoing fitness, injury and illness monitoring between now and 4 July 2008.

TA and TriNSW congratulate the six athletes above on joining an illustrious group who will represent Australia at an Olympic Games. We are particularly enthused for NSW hero Brad Kahlefeldt, and Erin Densham who, although moving interstate, learnt her craft in NSW and is still a member of Macarthur Tri Club.

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