5 Oct 2007

Kona Kountdown

It's late Thursday afternoon here in Kona and it's been a breezy day! White caps glistened in the ocean as a group of us headed out of town to cycle part of the bike course. The course is one lap - essentially out and back along the Queen K Highway.

In all we cycled 94km, stopping to refuel at Hawi and for a bit of a respite from the wind. Looking at the speedometre was NOT a very encouraging experience. According to John Mergler, it was as windy a day on the course as he's ever experienced.

On my speedo, I had an average speed of 26km/hr for the first half of today's ride. At the end of the ride, it had risen to 29km/hr. At one point, heading towards Hawi, the speedo was reading about 18km/hr and near the end of today's ride, it was a little higher than 60km/hr - that should provide some perspective on the wind.

As those of you who have raced here know, the wind has a mind of its own. It reflects the landscape through which the bike course lies. There are no trees of any significance nor rock formations to provide protection.

Yet the course is on what must be one of the smoothest and well kept roads anywhere in the world. It's beautiful.

It's deceptive too as the long undulations and 20km of gentle but continuous uphill before reaching the turnaround at Hawi are ideal for time trialling - depending on the wind!!

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