22 June 2006

Team Leader Damo

Further to John's e-mail and on behalf of Lisa and Dingo...

In the past while John has been away we tend to have people ride with us that don't usually week in week out.
So please be aware as John mentioned if the ride says easy it will be easy.

Also we won't be changing where we ride and where we stop.

Please make sure you have lights both front and back and that you carry a couple of spares.
Calling AND pointing holes is a must. Pointing must be done as people at the moment are wearing things to keep their ears warm and it's sometimes hard to hear.
The person at the back - This person's role is just as important as the 2 up the front. Keep your eye out for park cars coming up and also when the group has to go over a lane (ala as we've past the SuperCentre - gone through the lights and go onto the main road and have to merge into one lane).

You must wait for the car to past the whole group before calling over.
Taking a lane is less dangerous than going single - if you're at the back and there a few cars coming up behind - Be confident when you signal and take the lane.


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