27 Jan 2007

What did I say about the Wind?

We've all heard it - whatever the weather on race day, it's the same for everyone. And so the previous two Saturdays of wind at Kurnell were embraced by most of us. What can you do.

Unfortunately I wasn't in as embracing a mood today, and the wind knocked me around at will heading away from the Caltex station, and I would have eagerly swapped my bike for a bottle of Coke and a chocolate bar.

But the key is that we got through 150km of training on the bike in weather that will make us fitter and stronger at the end of the day .. and it came on the second last day of three solid weeks of effort.

There are far more positives than negatives to take from the ride. And perhaps next week I'll finally get the `really good' stuff and hammer through the time trial. So hold onto your handlebars and keep spinning. It's a month to Malaysia and the same to Huskisson and not that much longer to Port Mac.

``If a man does not know what port he is steering for, no wind is favorable to him.” Seneca

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