15 Nov 2006

Tasmanian Tigers

The all-female Cadbury team, led by Ironwoman, Grace McClure, have shot up the rankings in the last few days of competition to claim their place as fastest female team, ahead of the local team, Hydro Tasmania.

(The Cadbury team was fifth out of 11 finishers overall.)

McClure said; “We’ve had an absolute ball. We’ve done everything – the entire map of Tasmania. We’ve had ups and downs, but no major injuries – we faced everything as a team. The highlight for us was the Montezuma Falls mountain bike stage. It was fantastic.''

Final Race Standings – End of Day Six: (unofficial)
1. Pure Tasmania 28hrs18mins21
2. All Stars 29.09.35
3. Telstra Men 29.18.03
4. Royal Bank of Scotland 33.27.59
5. Cadbury (all female) 33.57.09

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