14 Oct 2005

Aero Tess

Hello everyone !!!

Well this will be my last report before the big day and I must confess: can this little town get anymore fever pitch ? Met John down at the swim today and he is looking fit and strong and definitely in contention.

The buzz around town is that if you don't have an areo helmet then you simply are not part of in THE crowd. The bigger the aero the better you are and of course the faster you will go. Me? I am sticking with the conventional helmet, with the little cap at the front to protect my nose from getting burnt - I know how much you love it Damo !!

Things are pretty much all happening with Mal going to the expo everyday and getting as much free stuff as he can. So far it amounts to four free T-shirts, two caps, 2 litres of Powerbar recovery powder and a fuel belt and four gel flasks !!

He's loving it and goes to all the Pros talks and tries to ask a question to them all. Ask Macca about ``If the Germans decide to put on a big hit after Hawi, will he go with them and what is his plan to cover this nutritionally?'' Well..... So I don't know if Macca has this race sussed yet or not.

Mal then went to the gym and went through a fitball session with Michellie Jones and her sister -- since he's in the know with his Pilates know how.

Had a stroke of luck yesterday, went for a massage at the same place that Mal has been doing pilates and the head physio for the AIS was there and strapped my calf/ achilles with the newest technique that stretches the fascia and the muscle independently.

My achilles does not like plane rides and has been``there'' since I arrived. It's not serious and will not be a factor for the race but just treating it nicely in between time. He is going to re-tape on Friday and give me anti-inflam gel that the AIS uses for the race. Says he can help you Oofie and wants to help when we get back. He's in the know and he was a great guy to boot !! He is in charge of the Medical tent and says he will look after me when I get in.

Well, that's all folks but let's hope that the Gods of the Lava fields like me and the day is a great one. Either way I'm ready (I don't say that often) and let the games begin !!

Love to you all.

Tess and Mal xxx

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