19 Oct 2005

Bentley - ruptured appendix

An update to those who have supported Lisa -

Unfortunately, after a disappointing inability to finish at the Hawaii Ironman on Saturday, Lisa Bentley was admitted to hospital in Waimea on Sunday where a CAT scan revealed a ruptured appendix. Yesterday she had surgery to have her appendix removed. She is having a tough day today, uncomfortable, nauseous and drowsy from the pain killers. Overall things went well and she has been prescribed 6 weeks of inactivity for recovery.

The doctors believe her appendix ruptured on Tuesday prior to the race, and subsequently she suffered from fever and continued abdominal pain. Three medical opinions were solicited prior to the race and she was prescribed strong antibiotics. Though her appendix was suspected to be inflamed, it was not thought to be as bad as the scan indicated. In fact the doctors at the North Hawaii hospital shook their heads in disbelief when the read the scan, that she was able to even stand, let alone make it to mile 10 in the Ironman marathon.

While it was a tough coaching decision to ask her to stop during the run, it was obvious her body wasn't functioning properly. We are all thankful that she was able to have the clarity of mind not to soldier on, for that is what her spirit would naturally dictate - to finish no matter what.

Source: Lance Watson
More Info: http://www.lisabentley.com

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