11 Oct 2005

More tradewinds from tess

Aloha to all back in OZ.

Feel like I have been away for ages and I could definitely get used to the slower pace of this lifestyle.

A typical day starts around 6.30am where we have a leisurely breakfast looking out onto the ocean. Then a stroll to the swim start and check out the swelling numbers of athletes as they proceed into the water. Depending if I have a swim I follow suit or then head back home for a relax from the effort of my early morning endeavours or prepare to go out on the bike.

I have now ridden all of the bike course in various stages with Mal often dropping me off at a particular point and then driving behind me with the hazards on and the other side. This seems to have an interesting effect on the athletes on the other side of the road as they almost kill themselves to see who I am thinking I must be some big time pro.

Speaking of pros have been training with some and socialising with others. Swam with Michellie Jones at the local pool. We shared the same lane and she was pretty fast. This morning got onto the feet of Jurgen Zack out in the open water (only stayed there for about 300m) and had ice cream and coffee with Luke Bell at the Lava Java. Have also seen all the other big names.

See you all soon!!!

Love Tess and Mal xxx

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