12 Mar 2006

13 Footer

With a simple, Go, Tony Golden headed into the Six Foot Track on Saturday and emerged five hours and 26 minutes later to claim his 13th finish of this 45km trail run.

After finishing the first six of these events, Tony secured himself a Six Foot belt buckle. He then took a year off. Then he returned for six more of the runs, collecting a belt to go with the buckle. Last year, he opted to watch.

He now has just five more races to secure himself a leather jacket.

With an irrepressible can-do attitude, there's no doubt that Mr T will inspire more of us weekend warriors to get outside and give it a go.

Congrats also to Darren, Scott T, Fee and Margreet - each a first time finisher of this grueling event.

The race was won by a Swiss guy who now lives in Manly, and Emma Murray, an Aussie who blizted the field and set a new course women's record of 3:37. She was 42 minutes ahead of the second woman and she was the fourth person to finish overall.

Dan Green, the publisher of the new running magazine, Run For Your Life, was second. He won it a year ago.

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